This is what I got back when I tried to bounce a JAVA WebSphere Axis service from a WCF client:
CWWSS7200E: Unable to create AxisService from ServiceEndpointAddress
Took me a while but eventually figured out what was wrong and ,long story short, WebSphere did not like the HttpHeaders generated by the WCF bindings (basicHttpBinding) when sending the request.
I started sniffing traffic with Fiddler, but initially I was paying attention only to the SOAP envelope. I then tried to directly invoke the service using SoapUI and it basically seemed to work fine (no Unable to create AxisService error message and I was getting back the result I expected). With the SOAP envelope ruled out, the next logical consequence needed to be the HttpHeader, so I compared the header generated by WCF with the one automatically generated by SoapUI (by pointing the tool to the endpoint url):
WCF Generated HttpHeader:
POST /MyWebServiceDomain/aWebService HTTP/1.1
SoapUI Generated HttpHeader:
At this point it was fairly obvious that I needed to tweak the POST line of the HttpHeader to include the full definition of the endpoint, hopefully by WCF configuration - and after asking around a co-worker pointed me in the right direction: hostNameComparisonMode="Exact" on the WCF binding is what I was looking for (it seems to be set to StrongWildcard by default).
Couldn't find anything on the web about any of the above - I hope this helps someone else with the same problem.
Couldn't find anything on the web about any of the above - I hope this helps someone else with the same problem.