Saturday, February 27, 2010

Russel's antinomy and stackoverflows

Russel's Antinomy goes like this (an extract from Gödel's proof):
Classes seem to be of two kinds: those which do not contain themselves as members, and those which do. A class will be called normal if, and only if, it does not contain itself as a member; otherwise it will be called non-normal. Let N by definition stand as the class of all normal classes. We ask whether N itself is a normal class. If N is normal it is a member of itself (because by definition it contains all the normal classes); but, in that case, N is non-normal because by definition a class that contains itself as a member is non-normal. On the other hand, if N is non-normal it is a member of itself (by definition of non-normal); but, in that case, N is normal, because by definition the members of N are normal classes. In short, N is normal if, and only if, N is non-normal. It follows that the statement "N is normal" is both true and false.

By reading this sort of stuff, we get reminded how all the stuff we work with as software engineers, comes from Mathematicians.

Anyway, this is what I came up with, inspired by the above:

public class NonNormal
   NonNormal _nonNormal = new NonNormal();
Now you just instantiate NonNormal and you'll get a pretty sweet stackoverflow.

I don't know about you, but this looks like a pretty elegant fuck-up to me.

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